Thursday, June 2, 2011

The Simple Things

My dad was able to find joy in everything.  He could watch a leaf tumbling down the street in a light breeze and he'd call you over to enjoy it too.  It was infectious, you couldn't help but delight in the small things he loved.

Family friend Yolanda Huerta wrote this message to my mom:

Richard was a true blessing and a great man of God.  One day when he visited us in Phoenix, he took me on a treasure hunt, I had no idea where he was taking me, but we had so much fun and when we found the treasure, Richard jumped off the ground and we were shouting and yelling with joy and happiness that we had found his treasure.  It took us about one hour to find it and when we found it, he put in a small mickey mouse toy . I thought, "wow, what a neat hobby to have." I had an amazing time with Richard always, it was never a dull moment with him, He will be greatly missed, and I LOVED him so much, God Bless Him.

1 comment:

  1. From Steve Lewis:

    Great friend whom I met while working at Safeway in 1979. He seemed to never present himself in a negative manner. ALWAYS POSITIVE. He often would say time and time again "Hilesco Hilesco Hilesco". To this day, I have no idea what that meant. But anyway, I grew spiritually as a result of Richard sharing his faith with me as that was a time when I received the Lord as my Savior. I look forward to seeing him again.
